
International Forum of Urbanism ( IFoU ) 國際城市論壇簡介


The International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU) was founded in 2005 as a network of Asian and European universities, research institutes and knowledge centres to strengthen the Asia-Europe collaboration in the field of Urbanism. The Forum aims for the following objectives:


· to initiate and realize international comparative research between Asia and Europe in the fields of urban design, planning and management of metropolitan areas and regions;

· to support the development and dissemination of knowledge on international level;

· to facilitate the dialogue between the academic world, professional organizations, corporate entities and politicians in the above mentioned fields.


The following institutions are currently participating in the IFoU network:

- TU Delft (central office – international coordination)

- Berlage Institute Rotterdam

- IUA Venetia

- UPC Barcelona

- Tsinghua University Beijing

- Beijing University of Technology

- Taiwan University Taipei

- National University of Singapore

- Seoul National University

- Tarumanagara University Jakarta

- Chinese University of Hong Kong

Announced new members:

- Tongjii University Shanghai

- University of Tokyo

Non-academical partner institutions:

- DHV (The Netherlands)

- Durban Group Taipei

- Taipei County Government

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